What is/was your major? At what school? What is your goal for life after school using that major?
My major was Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Oregon State University, Cascades Campus. I would like to eventually become a science teacher and field research scientist.
How has school and/or life been since receiving a scholarship from us? How did the scholarship help you on your journey?
Without scholarships I would not have been able to finish school, so CSEF made graduation possible. Since my senior year and graduation, I've been a teacher's aide and research scientist. I am thankful to have worked in my field before and after graduation.
What have you enjoyed most during your COVID spread/Stay at Home time?
With parks being closed, I have gotten better at skating and found some new spots I never would have skated otherwise (businesses being closed is helpful too). Skating my neighborhood with my family brought us closer together, and I learned some new tricks.
Also, I like homeschooling my kids. I was already homeschooling my oldest child before the Stay Home orders, so the transition was easier for us, but I have really enjoyed the challenge and reward of watching my kids learn and seeing that lightbulb go on.
What is something valuable you have learned during this time?
I quit drinking which is a big deal for me, and I didn't think I could ever accomplish that. I have an excellent support network and I couldn't have done it on my own.
How has skateboarding remained a role in your life?
Skateboarding is still most of my life! I am still co-directing Central Oregon Sk8 Share, and am currently planning a skateboard protest in Bend for Black Lives Matter. I cannot separate myself from skateboarding, I just wish I had more time to skate, but don't we all?
What advice would you give to someone just starting their higher education path?
Put in the extra work when you can, and invest in yourself. Put yourself a little outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Otherwise you're not learning and growing as much as you could--and in school is where you want to make some mistakes, not when you're on the job. Volunteering for research projects, volunteering to deliver lectures or presentations, asking instructors what they need help with in their own research projects are all ways to gain experience and get a much needed foot in the door in your field. After volunteering you may also learn you don't like some aspects of your field/major, which is okay, that's growth and learning too.
Who would you bring on your dream skate session and what would you be skating?
I'd skate Pizzey Park in Australia with my girl skate crew, plus and I'd love to have Lizzie Armanto, Vanessa Torres and Nora Vasconcellos with us! The death bowl at that park is epic and there's a lot of other rad stuff to skate on the street course.
I've missed skating with my gals since COVID-19 shutdowns, so us getting together again at ANY park would be a dream come true.
Let's say the keyholder to your dream job is reading this right now. What is the job, and what do you want to say to them?
It's difficult to imagine my dream job at this point, but I guess right now I'm living some of it. With COVID-19 shutdowns I'm a homemaker and a teacher-just not the middle or high school teacher I envisioned, and I still conduct research projects on a smaller, less professional scale at home with my boys. With all that has happened in my life in the past year (even before the pandemic) I have had to put the brakes on a career but am thankful for my education so I can accept this new challenge with knowledge and eyes open.
Interview By: Joshua Rowe